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Our people taste tested Miss Ginny’s English Toffee to send as Christmas gifts for clients this year. 100% voted for selecting MissGinny’s English Toffee. Some of the comments were: “The smoothest milk chocolate ever,” “The fact that it’s homemade makes it more special as a gift,” “I can’t believe how great this English Toffee is!” “This truly is really good stuff,” and “First class in presentation and taste.

- Ron Johnston and Associates / Franklin, Tennessee

Miss Ginny’s English Toffee is amazingly delicious! Better than any toffee I have ever eaten! When you bite into a piece it is crunchy to begin with, then it just melts in your mouth and you savor the rich buttery flavor. Once you have tasted Miss Ginny’s English Toffee you will never eat any other. Her packaging is exquisitely hand decorated for any occasion. Receiving a box of Miss Ginny’s English Toffee is like receiving a box of love.

- Tuddie Walker / Tallahassee, Florida

Homemade goodness… Delicious beyond description!

- Tom and Mary Gardner / Beverly, West Virginia

A friend surprised me with a decorative box of Miss Ginny’s English Toffee as a hospitality gift. Now I savor this decadent luxury to pamper myself as a five-star luxury experience. I look forward to spoiling myself with this as a spa for my taste buds!

- Susan Durr, Ph. D / Macon, Georgia

I will never forget the first time I tried Miss Ginny’s English Toffee. It was the best I had ever eaten.

- Barbara Walls / Marshall, Texas

See What Miss Ginny's Fans Say...

Our people taste tested Miss Ginny’s English Toffee to send as Christmas gifts for clients this year. 100% voted for selecting MissGinny’s English Toffee. Some of the comments were: “The smoothest milk chocolate ever,” “The fact that it’s homemade makes it more special as a gift,” “I can’t believe how great this English Toffee is!” “This truly is really good stuff,” and “First class in presentation and taste.

— Ron Johnston and Associates / Franklin, Tennessee

Miss Ginny’s English Toffee is amazingly delicious! Better than any toffee I have ever eaten! When you bite into a piece it is crunchy to begin with, then it just melts in your mouth and you savor the rich buttery flavor. Once you have tasted Miss Ginny’s English Toffee you will never eat any other. Her packaging is exquisitely hand decorated for any occasion. Receiving a box of Miss Ginny’s English Toffee is like receiving a box of love.

— Tuddie Walker / Tallahassee, Florida

Homemade goodness… Delicious beyond description!

— Tom and Mary Gardner / Beverly, West Virginia

A friend surprised me with a decorative box of Miss Ginny’s English Toffee as a hospitality gift. Now I savor this decadent luxury to pamper myself as a five star luxury experience. I look forward to spoiling myself with this as a spa for my taste buds!

— Susan Durr, Ph. D / Macon, Georgia

I will never forget the first time I tried Miss Ginny’s English Toffee. It was the best I had ever eaten.

— Barbara Walls / Marshall, Texas